A. Philip Randolph Institute – Tacoma Chapter
The A. Philip Randolph Institute is the oldest of the 7 Constituency groups of the AFL-CIO and serves as the unions' bridge to diverse communities, creating and strengthening partnerships to enhance the standard of living for all workers and their families.
We address the challenges that workers from diverse backgrounds face and promote the full participation of women and minorities in the union movement and ensure that unions hear and respond to the concerns of the communities they represent.
Thank you to our financial sponsors:
Operating Engineers Local #302, International Longshore and Warehouse Union, WA Area District Council, AFSCME Local 793, International Longshore and Warehouse Union, Local #23, County and City Employees Local 120, SEIU 1199NW, Pierce County Central Labor Council, OPEIU Local 8, IBEW Local 77, Machinists District Lodge 751, ProTec Local 17, Boilermakers Local 502, Heat and Frost Insulators, Local 7, IBEW Local 483, Teamsters Local 117, Soundview UniServ Council and Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO
Front & Center Event
Yes the only masked one on the pic LOL
We gathered at an Indigenous-owned place in downtown Seattle, explored our members' work, and shared our strategies around how we can advance a Just Transition and build power with an eye toward the 2023 Legislative Session. We also have time for music, fun activities, shared meals together, and reaffirming our relationship as a coalition and as people working for a better world.
For more information, see our 2023 Just Transition Legislative Agenda and read more about our budget priorities.
Radio Show
4th Wednesday12:45-1:PM Q/A for 2:PM Airing
Real Music, Real Talk Radio www.rmrtradio.com
Contacts: Gloria 253 306-1918 Ameedah 253 7535413
Monthly Meetings:
Mahogany Circle of Hope-Tacoma Support meeting via zoom Tuesdays @ 6 pm
Check out the Mahogany Circle of Hope Facebook page
Together we can:
APRI-Tacoma collects items throughout the year
OPENS 10-12 PM
We Support Safe Sites 4 All
Safe Parking pchomeless.org/Home/SafeParking3
Safe Parking is a simple concept - provide a place for people living in their cars to spend the night - a place they belong. Hundreds, if not thousands of people in Pierce County do not have a home and live in their cars. And our homeless shelters are full. Re-establishing housing is ideal, but until that time, a place to park for the night - with some security, sanitation, and garbage service - is a safe option. There will soon be sanctioned Safe Parking in Pierce County - but we need everyone's commitment to making it happen.
Restore a library to the Hilltop Area
Tacoma Hilltop Library Meetings:
Topic: Hilltop Library Planning Committee
Hilltop Library Planning Committee meets
3rd Thursday of every month from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Every month on the Third Thu,
Zoom at To Join Zoom Meeting please click below:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81960342310 with Meeting ID 819 6034 2310.
Help shape Tacoma’s priorities for the next decade! The City of Tacoma wants comments and ideas from anyone who lives, works, and plays in Tacoma for their next 10-year plan. We need them to prioritize funding for the Tacoma Public Library so budget shortfalls won’t prevent our goals of:
Reopening Hilltop and Eastside library branches
More hours of service to the public
Update current libraries
There are several workshops for public comment in person and a virtual option on June 6th. Schedule below! Learn more here: https://engagepiercecounty.mysocialpinpoint.com/one-tacoma. Need help deciding what to say? We have examples here: Talking Points
And don’t forget to personalize and send our community action letter to city council, the mayor, and the library board of trustees. Send now, send often!
Thursday, May 30 - Mason Middle School (3901 N 28th St) at 6-7:30 PM
Thursday, June 6 - Virtual Workshop at 6-7:30 PM
Link to join: https://www.zoom.us/j/83536580162
Or dial to join: 253-215-8782; Webinar ID – 835 3658 0162Monday, June 10 - Mt Tahoma High School (4634 S 74th St) at 6-7:30 PM
Saturday, June 15 - Wapato Park Pavilion (6500 S. Sheridan Ave.) at 1-3 PM
Thursday, June 20 - Bates Technical College - Central Campus Studio (2320 S 19th St.) at 6-7:30 PM
Thursday, June 27 - Salishan Family Investment Center (1724 E 44th St) at 6-7:30 PM
Tacoma’s Eastside, Hilltop lost libraries a decade ago. Is it time to bring them back?
Read more at: https://www.thenewstribune.com/news/local/article257748053.html#storylink=cpy
TNT article about the BERK study.
Lakewood Library:
Lakewood’s library branches are in declining physical condition. A special advisory board to help the Library System determine what to do with its facilities, and how to best serve Lakewood. More information to come
Our day at:
Cooperativa Tierra y Libertad
Online Homeless Resources
According to its website, “The Tacoma Pierce County Coalition to End Homelessness is a loose network of individuals, non-profit agencies, government agencies, and community businesses working together to serve people experiencing homelessness. Our end goal is to help folks establish safe housing as quickly as possible and help them to retain that housing so their homeless episode is short and never repeated. We also work to address many of the factors that drive homelessness.”
The Coalition maintains a website at www.pchomeless.org which is the most complete source of information available in Pierce County related to homelessness resources and policy issues. On this site are links to updated listings of where to go for safe parking, overnight shelter, day centers, and enrollment in the coordinated entry. There is also a link to a robust database of other community resources including where to receive assistance with food, clothing, employment, substance abuse, domestic violence, and sexual assault.
We encourage you to bookmark and refer regularly to the Coalition’s helpful website. You can also learn details on how to attend their always-informative weekly online meetings every Friday morning. Associated Ministries is proud to serve as the fiscal sponsor for the Tacoma Pierce County Coalition to End Homelessness.
More About Homelessness - Community-based Solutions
CONTACT EMAIL:mdtilstra@aol.com
Media & Democracy Study:
A two-year study will be undertaken to investigate the effects of contemporary media trends on Pierce County, to identify regular news outlets available in the county (including ownership, publication, curation, reach); and to collect data from residents regarding their access to the reliable, regular, and accurate information needed to exercise their rights as citizens. We will develop appropriate data collection instruments, gather basic information about currently available media outlets, conduct surveys and/or qualitative interviews with residents, and situate Pierce County within the context of current scholarship about US news media outlets and Internet/social media information sources.
Read more about this project here. To join this group, contact Rosemary Powers, rpowers@eou.edu; or Theresa Power-Drutis, tpdrutis@nctacoma.org.